Saturday, November 3, 2007

Bee Movie II- Revenge of The Bees

Nicholas Cage plays Jerry Seinfeld:

Bee Movie Review

Read it here:

Bee Movie is a Fraud Against Feminism

OK. Let there bee (no) peace on bee earth an let it beegin with me. I just saw Jerry Seinfeld's Bee Movie last night and my mind is buzzing with thoughts of what a failure this movie is for women and girls all over the world. Where are the boycotts and protests? Why? Because Bee Movie inverts the real world gender roles of bees and makes male bees, known as drones, out to play a much more significant role in society than the females who are in fact the worker bees. Is this the best Hollywood can do at a time when women are commanding both the space shuttle and station?

In the real world male bees are known as drones. According to Wikipedia: "Drones never exhibit typical worker bee behaviors such as nectar and pollen gathering, nursing, or hive construction ...the drones are defenseless and cannot defend the hive- although if picked up will sometimes try to frighten the disturber by swinging its tail towards the fingers. This has led the drone to be considered as a canonical example of a worthless member of a society. Although the drone is highly specialized to one function, mating and continuing the propagation of the hive, it is not completely without side benefit to the hive."

Bee Movie takes the real world of bees and fraudulently glamorizes the roles of males in this society and ours for that matter. Too bad. It would have been an excellent opportunity to strengthen our understanding of the value of women in the workplace and the contributions they make. For this failure Bee Movie gets an F and deserves no less than a boycott. However if you really want to propagate the beelief that a woman's place is in the hive then this is the movie for you. Save your money and see it on DVD if you must see it at all.